這首Summertime Sadness為Lana Del Rey和另外兩位創作人的共同創作,中文好像是翻成"夏日憂鬱",雖然為2012年的排行榜金曲,但一直到現在radio還是不斷的播送,光是Remix就高達快20個版本,其中最知名的是Cedric的版本,更是將Summertime Sadness捧上了高峰,這首混音也幫Cedric贏得56th Grammy Awards的Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical喔!有人說聽歌要看季節,雖然這首歌給人夏日濕褥的悶熱感,但冬天聽卻也有一種滄桑漂泊的感覺,不知道大家有什麼感觸呢?來看看這悲傷的歌詞吧!不知道說中了多少人的心。

Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness

1   Kiss me hard before you go,
2   Summertime sadness.
3   I just wanted you to know,
4   That baby, you the best.


5   I got my red dress on tonight,
6   Dancin' in the dark,
7   In the pale moonlight.
8   Done my hair up real big,
9   Beauty queen style.
10 High heels off, I'm feelin' alive.

6 dancin'是dancing跳舞的縮寫,外國人很喜歡縮寫,把g變成'(一撇)

7.pale moonlight蒼白的月光,pale(adj.)常形容氣色很差的人:she looked very pale.她看起來蒼白

8.do-did-done表示已經做完了:look what you've done!看你做了什麼好事!

9.beauty queen選美皇后

10.high heels高跟鞋,順便補充一些鞋款的英文:sandals 涼鞋 / slippers室內拖 / flats平底鞋 /  boots靴子 / wedges楔型鞋款 / pumps淺口高跟鞋 / platform 厚底鞋 / ballet flats 平底芭雷舞鞋 / open toe露趾鞋

10.feelin' + adj. 覺得...:像是feelin' hypnotizefeelin'使恍神,一樣是feeling的縮寫

11 Oh my god, I feel it in the air,
12 Telephone wires above,
13 Are sizzlin' like a snare.
14 Honey I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere,
15 Nothin'scares me anymore.
16 (One, two, three, four).


12.telephone wires天線,現在比較少見了,這裏感覺很復古,路上還有很多電線


13.snare(n.)陷阱、誘惑:There is a rabbit in the snare.陷阱裡有隻兔子


15.scares me嚇我,scares之所以要加s是因為前面的nothing為單數

17 Kiss me hard before you go,
18 Summertime sadness.
19 I just wanted you to know,
20 That baby, you the best.


21 I got that summertime, 
22 Summertime sadness.
23 Su-su-summertime, 
24 Summertime sadness.
25 Got that summertime, 
26 Summertime sadness.


27 I'm feelin'electric tonight,
28 Cruisin' down the coast
29 Goin' about ninety-nine.
30 Got my bad baby,
31 By my heavenly side.
32 I know if I go, 
33 I'll die happy tonight.



27.electric電的,通常都跟電有關係,但這裡用於making people feel very excited.

使人興奮的:The atmosphere here is electric.這裏氣氛很嗨


也可用在開車to move at a steady speed in a car.速度平均的開向某處



34 Oh my god, I feel it in the air,
35 Telephone wires above,
36 Are sizzlin' like a snare.
37 Honey I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere,
38 Nothin' scares me anymore.
39 (One, two, three, four).



40 Kiss me hard before you go,
41 Summertime sadness.
42 I just wanted you to know,
43 That baby, you the best.


44 I got that summertime, 
45 Summertime sadness.
46 Su-su-summertime, 
47 Summertime sadness.
48 Got that summertime, 
49 Summertime sadness.


50 Think I'll miss you forever,
51 Like the stars miss the sun,
52 In the morning sky.
53 Later's better than never,
54 Even if you're gone,
55 I'm gonna drive.


55.I'm gonna= I am going to,又是縮寫:I wanna be=I want to be.

56 I got that summertime, 
57 Summertime sadness.
58 Su-su-summertime, 
59 Summertime sadness.
60 Got that summertime, 
61 Summertime sadness.


62 Kiss me hard before you go,
63 Summertime sadness.
64 I just wanted you to know,
65 That baby, you the best.


66 I got that summertime, 
67 Summertime sadness.
68 Su-su-summertime, 
69 Summertime sadness.
70 Got that summertime, 
71 Summertime sadness.



只能說超喜歡著個Music Video,整個非常黑暗憂鬱,畫面做了很多漏光效果和處理,整個很有復古的氛圍,另外一個女主角為演員Jaime King,在台灣似乎不是很紅,曾在Sin City和Pearl Harbor裡擔任配角,這次是因為身為導演的老婆跨刀幫忙摟!看完MV會覺得沈重,要好好珍惜自己身邊的人,不管是愛人、朋友或家人,真的。


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